European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) is a global health connector for digital health, facilitating connection and knowledge exchange among the players engaged in digital health innovation and deployment, driving sustainable change and disruption in the delivery of health and social care, and enabling multi-stakeholder connections around ecosystems. It has almost 1,000 member organisations and more than 20,000 community members (government, health & social care providers, leading companies and start-ups, researchers, insurance companies, patient groups and citizens, and the investment community) from 78 countries. Along with the 70 regional digital health ecosystems, ECHAlliance has built the Thematic Innovation Ecosystem network that supports knowledge exchange between demand and supply sides on a thematic basis. Currently 12 Thematic Innovation Ecosystems are available, ranging from topics as diverse as health procurement and mental health. A variety of sub-topics feature under each umbrella.
Role in the Digital Health Uptake project
ECHAlliance will lead the project’s effort (T3.2) to bring together demand and supply, into virtual opportunity spaces that will have either advisory, educational, or marketplace characteristics. The aim is to connect ecosystems, so that they can benefit and learn from each other’s diversity and inspire others. As a practical example, ECHAlliance will lead the creation of a Thematic Innovation Ecosystem for the upscale of digital health in rural and remote areas (T3.3). ECHAlliance will also work towards expanding digital health ecosystems, aiming to provide the opportunity for all public and private sector stakeholders to gather together, exchange information, learn from each other, and plan future deployments (T4.4).