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National Healthcare Information System

Keywords: Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Ericsson Nikola Tesla JSC was developer and implementer of the practice.


Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
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Short description
Ericsson Nikola Tesla JSC has been engaged in developing of Croatian National Healthcare Information System as well as in several such systems abroad and each one was specially developed according to the specific needs and current state of national health of each country. Electronic Healthcare Exchange is a comprehensive health information exchange platform that supports various healthcare delivery processes with solutions based on FHIR, DICOM and Microservices. It offers following building blocks: – EHR – Electronic Healthcare Records – FHIR based patient’s medical history accessible through GUI or integration – MIS – Medical information system for primary, secondary and tertiary care – CDSS – Clinical decision support system – treatment instructions, drug interactions, patient routing, screening programs, quality control – Registers – Etalon data of patients, organisations, professionals, drugs, medical devices… – Terminology – code lists and value sets management – Pharmacy – Hospital and community pharmacy business process support – Healthcare Processes – ePrescriptions, eReferrals, eBooking (end to end implementation) – Scheduling – Management of work schedules and patient appointments – and more, like BI, statistical reporting and predictive analytics… The System provides huge benefits for physician, nurses and other healthcare professionals, patients, healthcare insurers and payers and public health. National patient portal is accessible through web or mobile application.
Economic value to health and care systems, Economic value to patients, Impact on the health system’s capacity and resilience (e.g., health and care efficiency, continuity of care), Contribution to citizen empowerment
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The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
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Geographical scope
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The system can be developed for each European country, depending on the specific needs of the national health system and the reached level of digitization. Options range from the establishment of an entire National Healthcare portal to the development of individual blocks that are integrated into the existing system.
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
Health data analytics (Artificial Intelligence/algorithm development and calibration/machine learning/risk stratification tools/etc.)
Care pathway tracking and adherence
Clinical team care planning and collaboration tools (e.g. digital shared care plan)
Alerting systems for abnormal test results
ePrescription solutions
Regional and national Electronic Health Record systems
Regional/national/local Integrated Care Record systems
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Primary target patient group (age)
May be used across all patient ages
Addressed prevention area(s)
Not applicable
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Ready to be transferred to
The practice has been transferred in other locations, regions or national scale in the same country.
Plans for cross-border implementation
Implemented and deployed cross-border