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DIRAYA: Andalusian eHealth Strategy & system

Keywords: Access to Health Data, Appointment Management, Electronic Health Record (EHR), ePrescription
Junta de Andalucía


Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
Short description
The AeHS (Diraya) helps health professionals in their daily work, integrating all health information for each patient in one single record. Reduction of administrative tasks has contributed to its use. Of particular interest is the e-prescription module, as well as the e-lab and the x-ray ones. Patients also benefit from the AeHS, thanks to the use of the centralised appointment systems, the use of electronic prescription (Receta XXI), avoiding unnecessary visits to the health centre just to ask for repeated medication (of special interest for long term conditions), as well as personal access to their healthcare information through ClicSalud. Different health apps are being connected to the system.
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Geographical scope
Spanish, English
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available
https://digitalhealtheurope.eu/covid-19/, DHE website

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
ePrescription solutions
Regional and national Electronic Health Record systems
to patients / citizens
Remote monitoring apps/health outcomes tracking
Health promotion and wellness apps and wearables/virtual coaches
Other (please define below)
Appointment systems, ePrescription, personal health record
Primary target patient group (age)
May be used across all patient ages
Use case and care pathway positioning
Treatment, Disease monitoring, treatment compliance, self-management, Integrated care pathways