DHU Radar

2030 Digital Transformation Strategy for Slovakia

Keywords: Strategy
Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
Policy and strategy in relation to digital health solutions or services
Short description
The intention of the Digital Transformation Strategy for Slovakia is to implement real innovations with a potentially global impact. Innovations in priority sectors contribute to meeting priorities of Slovakia in the field of sustainable development, defined in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as it is presented in Table 2. Health care: Electronization of health care services, development of eHealth, mobility in health care, personalised medicine for more precise diagnostics and better quality care of patients, electronized public health for the benefit of supporting and maintaining health of citizens. Good health thanks to the use of electronic health care system and support tools or public health, personal data on health and lifestyle: – citizens must have access to their data on health condition and lifestyle, support to the public health and community health care in protection and support of their health; – citizens must learn how to protect their sensitive data and use smart assistants and services that will help them remain active for long time; – the government must support innovations in the field of health care and, at the same time, pay attention to protection of sensitive personal data, rights and liberties of citizens.
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Geographical scope
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

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