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A Innovation Readiness Framework that helps projects baseline and understand the activities and journey to scale

Keywords: Business Innovation Readiness, Service Innovation Readiness, Service Readiness, Technology Innovation Readiness
Janette Hughes – Digital Health and Care Innovation centre (Scotland)
Supporting tool and methodology for upscaling digital health solutions or services (e.g. management tool/impact assessment tool and methodology/etc.)
Short description
The Innovation Readiness Framework and tool has been developed on the back of previous research that recognised that Technical, Service and Business readiness all need to converge to allow projects in the Digital Health and Care sector to scale. This refined tool was developed by DHI Scotland and is used for projects to discuss where partners are at the present time, what they need to cover to reach adoption and scale and where this specific project will take them to on the journey. The tool and framework should be used by project teams, owned by the project manager. The tool works by baselining and reaching consensus on where partners are at the beginning of the project and in scoping (keeping in mind any time and resource limitations) where they would like to get to in this phase. The framework highlights specific steps and activities that are common for Digital Health projects to take, and behind each further insight on what evidence should and could be collected to build the Value case for scale. This tool will interest organisations that manage complex Digital health and care Innovation projects, where it can be used as a standardised tool to agree scope, monitor progress alongside upskilling team members on the evidence that should be generated at each stage. To apply to use the tool, please contact DHI –
No impact-related evidence is currently available
The idea has been formulated and/or research and experiments are underway to test a “proof of concept”
Beta tested within the organisation
United Kingdom (please specify)
Geographical scope
10 projects baselined
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information

Addressed prevention area(s)
Not applicable
Ready to be transferred to
Transferability has not been considered in a systematic way.
Plans for cross-border implementation
Have not been considered and will not be developed in the near future