DHU Radar

BioAssist: an online platform for patient monitoring, data collection and analytics, and provision of healthcare services

Keywords: Independent Living, Patient Empowerment, Telemonitoring
Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
Short description
A single platform to connect all stakholders to enhance the potential of the digital transformation in healthcare. It includes remote patient monitoring, medical devices and wearables, personal health records, state-of-the-art cloud technologies. The platform is provided as a web and mobile app which allows to monitor patients (free consultation, patient and appointment monitoring), data collection and analytics, health service marketplace (special offers, directory of healthcare professionals)
Impact on health outcomes, Impact on the health system’s capacity and resilience (e.g., health and care efficiency, continuity of care), Contribution to citizen empowerment
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Geographical scope
English, Greek
18 projects, 12 hospitals and clinics reached, > 500 active users
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
Health data analytics (Artificial Intelligence/algorithm development and calibration/machine learning/risk stratification tools/etc.)
Regional and national Electronic Health Record systems
to patients / citizens
Remote monitoring apps/health outcomes tracking
Sensors/wearable devices
Telehealth and telemedicine
Health promotion and wellness apps and wearables/virtual coaches
Health data analytics (Artificial Intelligence/algorithm development and calibration/machine learning/risk stratification tools/etc.)
Smart homes/independent living support/ambient assisted living technologies
Home care
Primary target patient group (age)
May be used across all patient ages
Addressed prevention area(s)
Nutrition and diet, Fitness and physical activity, Health screenings, Mental health
Use case and care pathway positioning
Treatment, Disease monitoring, treatment compliance, self-management, Early detection and early diagnosis, precision diagnosis, Rehabilitation, COVID-19 monitoring and care guidance
Ready to be transferred to
The practice has been transferred in other locations, regions or national scale in the same country.
Plans for cross-border implementation
Are considered and will be developed in the near future