DHU Radar

DermatoApp, an app of different dermatologic conditions for medical students.

Keywords: (Clinical) Decision Support Services, Diagnostics, Digital Application, Early Diagnosis
Short description
This app has been created by a doctor from the Hospital Universitario Arnau de Vilanova and contains more than 18 chapters with categorized images of different dermatological conditions. Currently, it has a great reception, especially from medical students from the University of Lleida (UdL) and from all over the world. This application is really useful to improve identification and diagnostic skills, in addition to having several self-assessment tests of what has been learned. TRL: TRL 7 Protection: Combined trademark registration. Objective: Search for funding, selling the app.
Impact on health outcomes, Impact on the health system’s capacity and resilience (e.g., health and care efficiency, continuity of care)
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Other (please specify in free text box below)
Latinoamerican Universities
Geographical scope
Information available
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available
Innvest BioRegion Portal, Procure 4 Health – community seccion

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
Clinical decision support
Alerting systems for abnormal test results
eLearning for workforce development
to patients / citizens
Digital tools to support health education (health literacy)/digital health literacy
Digital tools to support patient feedback and reporting of outcomes and experiences
Primary target patient group (age)
May be used across all patient ages
Addressed prevention area(s)
Health screenings
Use case and care pathway positioning
Early detection and early diagnosis, precision diagnosis, Prevention and wellness
Ready to be transferred to
Ready for transfer, but the practice has not been transferred yet.
Plans for cross-border implementation
Have been developed but not implemented