DHU Radar


Keywords: Digital Health Services, ICT solutions
Fundación INTRAS


Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
Short description
ehcoBUTLER developed an ICT technological platform with both leisure and care applications to improve the independence and quality of life of older adults, especially those with mild and very mild cognitive impairment (MCI / VMCI), and promote their health and well-being from different perspectives. The main objective was to demonstrate the socio-economic benefits of deploying a set of pilots based on different business models (well-being services; care services; technological services) in which the ehcoBUTLER technological solution has been applied with real end users (large-scale deployment: 2 countries, 4 regions, 4 entities, 491 older adults with MCI/VMCI, more than 4 months of use of the platform, 15 Focus Groups, 92 participants in the Focus Groups). To assess the degree of success of the ehcoBUTLER platform, the research team has evaluated the use of the ehcoBUTLER platform by end users and has analysed its impact on the users’ quality of life, including breaking their digital gap, encouraging the social e-inclusion, as well as its impact on a psychological, physical and cognitive level. The ehcoBUTLER platform has been very well accepted by older people with MCI/VMCI and formal/informal caregivers, as indicated the assessment done based on indicators of use of the ehcoBUTLER platform, non-economic KPIs and economic KPIs. Given the evaluation of the economic and non-economic indicators collected during the pilot stage, it is possible to say that ehcoBUTLER platform is effective on the improvement of living conditions of older people with cognitive impairment, and the cost-benefit analysis clearly draws a scenario that appears to be sustainable. ehcoBUTLER contributes to the development and implementation of innovative solutions to promote quality of live, well-being and e-inclusion of older adults within the cross-border territory, contributing to the so-called Silver Economy and generating significant advances in Active and Healthy Ageing.
There is evidence for economic viability and/or of benefits to the target group of the practice. Further research/development is needed for routine use.
Geographical scope
English; Spanish; Italian
ehcoBUTLER platform piloted with 491 older adults with mild cognitive impairment (210 in Castilla y León region, 100 in Madrid region, 35 in Navarra region, 146 in Italy), 15 Focus Group with end-users, formal caregivers and informal caregivers. INTRAS has selected 210 older adults with MCI/VMCI who accomplish the inclusion criteria and have been involved in the research study (160 participants using the ehcoBUTLER platform, who belong to the experimental group, and 50 participants, who belong to the control group) during 2020-22. 186 participants (more than 88%) have completed the ehcoBUTLER study (a minimum of 4 months using the platform), while 24 participants (less than 12%) have used the platform for at least 3 months. Thanks to the positive results, the socio-economic benefits, the impact on the living conditions and the satisfaction of the final users of the ehcoBUTLER pilot experience, the ehcoBUTLER services has been included in the portfolio of the activities carried out by INTRAS with older adults with cognitive impairment (Memory Clinics of INTRAS Foundation) in the cross-border territory.
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
Health data analytics (Artificial Intelligence/algorithm development and calibration/machine learning/risk stratification tools/etc.)
ICT support for management of frailty and/or falls prevention
to patients / citizens
Personalised prevention apps
Digital tools to support health education (health literacy)/digital health literacy
Primary target patient group (age)
Older adults (65+)
Addressed prevention area(s)
Other (please specify below)
Cognitive decline
Use case and care pathway positioning
Prevention and wellness
Ready to be transferred to
Ready for transfer, but the practice has not been transferred yet.