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Einasalut “Fent bona vida” : a health promotion interactive platform for empowerment citizens and communities to improve their health and wellbeing

Keywords: Active and Healthy Ageing, Health in all policies, Health Promotion, Healthy Environments, Patient Empowerment
Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
Short description
EINASALUT is a health literacy tool addressed to citizens, patients and their careers, communities such as schools, companies or health services, municipalities or neighbourhoods, and institutions. Based on three pillars: significant learning tecniques (the basis of active pedagogy), social marketing tools and ICT, EINASALUT pretends to empower citizens and communities to improve their health and wellbeing. EINASALUT has been designed, developed and implemented between government, industry (Ibermatica, Vicomtech and Quattro IDCP), civil society and academia through a public innovative procurement process (PPI) during three years (2019-2021). It has been launched in April 2022. We have planned a second phase of development for 2024-2025. The platform includes four sites addressed to: 1. Citizens: people who want to know what factors affect their health, what lifestyle habits they have and want to acquire knowledge and skills to maintain or improve their health. 2. Patients and caregivers: people with a chronic illness and/or their caregiver who want to learn about their health problem and acquire knowledge and skills to manage their illness more appropriately and favour their autonomy. 3. Communities: neighbourhoods, schools, enterprises, municipalities. 4. Political decision-makers, public officials and administration professionals (not only health professionals), from the different institutions of the Islands so that they are aware of the impact their decisions may have on health and minimize the risks or maximize the benefits that are derived from them. The platform encourages people to take part of free online different self-assessment questionnaires related to lifestyle habits (Mediterranean diet, physical activity, tobacco, alcohol and wellbeing) to identify where they can make small changes. These questionnaires provides personalised recommendations and directs people to tools and advice created by experts to help them take action where it’s most needed. The same approach (self-assessment) with personalised recommendations is implemented in the other sites (schools, enterprises, neighbourhoods etc.). The common framework proposed in EINASALUT is: 1. ¿How are you? 2. Do you want to be better? 3. Easy ways to do it. 4. Resources. 5. Share your experiences. impact their decisions may have on health and minimize the risks or maximize the benefits that are derived from them. Conditions for using/applying has not been considered but it could be considered if necessary
No impact-related evidence is currently available
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Geographical scope
Einasalut could be ready for translation and adaptation to other languages and cultural contexts
spanish, catalan
Since april 2022 Einasalut has reached 19.344 users and 109.744 views mainly the sites: do you want to be better?, healthy habits questionnaires, physical activity contents, active patient program, patient observatory
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available
Einasalut hasn´t been submitted in any other repository of digital health resources

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
Health data analytics (Artificial Intelligence/algorithm development and calibration/machine learning/risk stratification tools/etc.)
EINASALUT has a data exploitation module for the analysis of the information generated on the platform and, together with the structured and unstructured information coming from other information systems, to be able to provide a data analysis tool for decision-making. The goal is to create a data space, in line with the action area of the DEP (Digital Europe Programme) in health, European Health Data Space, making it possible to work with shared data models for advanced analysis, simulation, prediction and personalisation. Two new national strategies have just been launched to be implemented. 1) Digital Health Strategy of the National Health System and 2) The National Artificial Intelligence Strategy aims to provide a reference framework for the development of inclusive, sustainable and citizen-centric AI. The personalised medicine strategy, artificial intelligence strategy or digital transformation in the public sector, expansion and improvement of interoperability services, expansion, integration and improvement of TiCs, strengthening the digital services are, among others, the next deals in our territory. In this sense, the Phase II of EINASALUT (to be tendered in the following months) aims to integrate the information collected from the users into their digital medical record as well as to use artificial intelligence for: 1) individualising the recommendations to the users; 2) supporting decision-making in health planning; 3) helping us to identify the main health problems and how to tackle them. We also intend to optimise some of the resources through the gamification of strategies proposed to improve some aspects of health, including apps, etc.
to patients / citizens
Health promotion and wellness apps and wearables/virtual coaches
Health data analytics (Artificial Intelligence/algorithm development and calibration/machine learning/risk stratification tools/etc.)
Digital tools to support health education (health literacy)/digital health literacy
Phase II of EINASalut (to be tendered in the following months) aims to integrate the results of questionnaires into their digital medical record and to use artificial intelligence for individualising the recommendations to the users. We also pretend to optimise some of the resources in phase II. For example, through the gamification to increase patient engagement or promote good habits and behaviours
Primary target patient group (age)
May be used across all patient ages
Addressed prevention area(s)
Nutrition and diet, Fitness and physical activity, Education, Mental health, Environment (e.g., housing, workplace), Other (please specify below)
The platform encourages people to take part of free online different self-assessment questionnaires related to lifestyle habits (Mediterranean diet, physical activity, tobacco, alcohol and wellbeing) to identify where they can make small changes. These questionnaires provides personalised recommendations and directs people to tools and advice created by experts to help them take action where it has most needed. The same approach (self-assessment) with personalised recommendations is implemented in the other sites (schools, enterprises, neighbourhoods etc.).
Use case and care pathway positioning
Prevention and wellness, Patient or citizen communities, self-help and mentoring, Reuse of data for research
Ready to be transferred to
Transferability has not been considered in a systematic way.
Plans for cross-border implementation
Have not been considered and will not be developed in the near future