DHU Radar

Femly: an app to help people with dementia and the elderly to live longer and happier at home.

Keywords: Active and Healthy Ageing, Alarms/Reminders, Communication, Dementia, Home Care
Francoise de Goeijen
My name is Francoise De Goeijen, owner of Femly, previous caregiver and really want to support caregivers and people suffering from dementia. https://www.linkedin.com/in/françoise-de-goeijen-7378b410/
Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
Short description
Femly helps people with dementia and the elderly to live longer and happier at home. Femly does this by making the television smart: the family has an app, the Femly app, that can control the television. The family can make video calls, show photos and give structure back by showing the agenda on the television. The elderly or person with dementia does not have to do anything. To give people with dementia and elderly people a longer and happier life at their own home. It has been developed by Femly, whose owner is a former caregiver to her husband who suffered from Alzheimer. Th target group are all people at home, but also at care institutions, to see more often their loved-ones, who can live far away, at the television. Femly has a box, which has to be connected to the television. The elderly people do not have to do anything: the television is controlled by the Femly app in hand of the caregiver and its family and friends. Every body working in the health industry and see that clients are lonely or caregivers who are overstressed. It is a monthly abonnement of €19,95.
Economic value to health and care systems, Contribution to citizen empowerment
while people can live longer at home, this will be for society an economic impact
Proof of concept is available: it works in a test setting and the potential end-users are positive about the concept 
While we are in the BtC market the business is not economic viable. We are working on a new product, Femly-PAS, to offer to care institutions, where more money is involved. End consumers do not have a lot of money and we deliver below cost price to BtC.
The app is only in Dutch and while there is no money to translate we have no English version, neither German or French
Geographical scope
app can be used worldwide (family of Dutch elderly people live somethimes abroad and use the Femly app)
only Dutch speaking end users. but all languages are possible
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information

to patients / citizens
Remote monitoring apps/health outcomes tracking