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Happyair: a data collection platform

Keywords: Care Plans and Planning, Coaching, Data Collection, Prevention
Short description
We provide a service to HCPs and patient/care-givers which is enabled via a platform where patient data is collected via an App for mobile telephones or tablets which the patient or care-giver uses.Our educator/coach network is initially being led & managed by respiratory physiotherapists to ensure that physical activity is a key factor to the patients program, to improve health status. A team of educators or coaches can monitor the patient information through this platform & in parallel ,via a contactcenter CRM service, follow-up patients or care-givers on their progress . They can share this information with collaborating healthcare professionals : doctors , specialists or other HCPs such as psychologists who offer holistic support, with patient consentment. The program also enables the patient and/ or care- giver to access health education materials or workshops, to learn more about his/her disease management and learn how to self- track effectively using digital tools or devices with a specific program for their disease or needs. Each person has their own daily healthcare plan and follows their own goals guided by their doctors’ and coaches advice. The relationship with the coach provides them with information on many items prevention, better understanding about their diagnosis, a care plan and deals with worries or concerns that arise. The service is hybrid: both online and offline where available in the patients own location where they can participate in group sessions or individually. The educators role is to empower the patient with support and guidance in digital healthcare tools or other needs in their own environment.They are trained as tele-care educators specialised in active lifestyle in chronic-care patients. They help patients to navigate their digital literacy skills and work on motivation & behavioural change to improve adherence and outcomes.
Contribution to citizen empowerment
There is evidence for economic viability and/or of benefits to the target group of the practice. Further research/development is needed for routine use.
Geographical scope
Spanish, English
People reached: 1,000-9,999
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available
https://digitalhealtheurope.eu/catalogue/, DHE catalogue

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
Clinical team care planning and collaboration tools (e.g. digital shared care plan)
eLearning for workforce development
to patients / citizens
Remote monitoring apps/health outcomes tracking
Telehealth and telemedicine
Digital tools to support health education (health literacy)/digital health literacy
Digital tools to support patient feedback and reporting of outcomes and experiences
Primary target patient group (age)
May be used across all patient ages
Use case and care pathway positioning
Treatment, Disease monitoring, treatment compliance, self-management, Prevention and wellness, Reuse of data for research
Ready to be transferred to
Ready for transfer, but the practice has not been transferred yet.