DHU Radar


Keywords: Assisted Living, Independent Living, Innovative Care Model
Short description
Integr@tención has been focused on promoting the development and scaling up of innovative products and services for an independent life, resulting from RDi activities in cross-border areas of Duero river, to ensure that older people in situation of autonomy loss, disability or chronic conditions can live and be cared at home even until the end of life, if that is their wish, involving the whole quadruple helix ecosystem. These goals have been achieved through the development and piloting of a joint model of care and technology support, which coordinates and aligns the proximity long-term care services and the design and deployment of innovative solutions with the expectations, wishes and decisions of end user. This care model supported by technological solutions has been developed, piloted and evaluated (systemic evaluation) in the last two years in a total of 54 real households in rural areas. In light of the promising results, this Integr@tención experience is going to be transferred as an example of good practices to other municipalities within the cross-border territory, and it is even intended to be transferred to other bordering regions of the Integr@tención territory. To increase the number of people and territories that benefit from the Integr@tención model, which will translate into an impact on the quality of life and well-being of older people, an improvement in the services offered and an impact on the economy of the area. Integr@tención contributes to the implementation of innovative health&care services (telecare) based on new technologies, and in the design, production and marketing of innovative solutions, robotic devices for care, AI and technological platforms for the provision of comprehensive services. This will make the cross-border territory become a leader in the so-called Silver Economy, generating significant progress in Active and Healthy Ageing. Integr@tención also promotes quality of live, independent living and well-being of older adults.
Impact on the health system’s capacity and resilience (e.g., health and care efficiency, continuity of care)
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Geographical scope
Spanish; Portuguese
This Integr@tención care model has been initially piloted (2020-21) in 3 rural areas of the cross-border territory. Thanks to the positive results, the socio-economic impact and the satisfaction of the final users of the pilot experience, the Regional Social Services Authority of Castilla y León has committed budget funds and has deployed the Integr@tención model in other rural areas of Salamanca and Zamora, as well as in other provinces of Castilla y Leon. In the area of the north of Portugal, CIM DOURO has also extended the experience to other municipalities. In addition, this experience will be transferred during 2022-23 to other regions of Spain and Portugal that border the Integr@tención cross-border territory. Finally, as a result of the pilot stage, specialized lines have now been opened in care integration contexts: loneliness and social isolation, palliative care, PPI…
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
Other (please define below)
Innovative Care Model
to patients / citizens
Smart homes/independent living support/ambient assisted living technologies
Home care
Primary target patient group (age)
Older adults (65+)
Addressed prevention area(s)
Environment (e.g., housing, workplace), Other (please specify below)
supporting daily activities
Use case and care pathway positioning
Functional support and independent living (e.g., for frailty)
Ready to be transferred to
The practice has been transferred in other locations, regions or national scale in the same country.
Plans for cross-border implementation
Implemented and deployed cross-border