DHU Radar

MeddyCare: digital office for health professionals

Keywords: Appointment Management, Communication, Health Literacy, Management, Telehealth
Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
Short description
A tool to approach healthcare management. It includes agenda management, tele-consultation and message systems, patient´s medical education, download of documents, prescriptions and appointments.
Impact on health outcomes, Economic value to health and care systems, Impact on the health system’s capacity and resilience (e.g., health and care efficiency, continuity of care)
better management, shorter waiting times, increase of quality of work
The idea has been formulated and/or research and experiments are underway to test a “proof of concept”
Launch Available by signig up before 31-12-22
Geographical scope
Not specified, but the digital app is created for the complex organization and management of health practices, which can be applied across the whole country (Italy). Headquarters are in Ancona. It could be applied in other countries with adaptations
English and Italian
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
ePrescription solutions
Regional and national Electronic Health Record systems
to patients / citizens
Telehealth and telemedicine
Smart workplaces
Digital tools to support health education (health literacy)/digital health literacy
Primary target patient group (age)
Older adults (65+)
Addressed prevention area(s)
Health screenings, Environment (e.g., housing, workplace), Other (please specify below)
Management of healthcare
Use case and care pathway positioning
Treatment, Disease monitoring, treatment compliance, self-management, Prevention and wellness, Functional support and independent living (e.g., for frailty)
Ready to be transferred to
Transferability has not been considered in a systematic way.
Plans for cross-border implementation
Have not been considered and will not be developed in the near future