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Momentum: a Blueprint for Mainstreaming Telemedicine Deployment in Daily Practice

Keywords: Assessment, Digital Health Services, Implementation, Multistakeholder, Success Factor, Telemedicine
Supporting tool and methodology for upscaling digital health solutions or services (e.g. management tool/impact assessment tool and methodology/etc.)
Short description
Momentum offers guidance for telemedicine doers who seek to move telemedicine from an idea or a pilot to daily practice or to scale. The guidance is distilled in the Momentum Blueprint for telemedicine deployment that was released on 5 February 2015. Its development has been financed by the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) and coordinated by EHTEL. The Blueprint has been developed by a consortium of telemedicine implementers, hence taking into account their practical implementation experience. The Blueprint has identified and described 18 Critical Success factors which need to be addressed for successfully scaling-up telemedicine services. It has furthermore created a multistakeholder questionnaire aiming at assessing how far a particular telemedicine services is complying with each of the 18 Critical Success Factors. To be used in practice, this questionnaire has to be transposed in an online tool and answered by representatives of all stakeholder group concerned by the scaling up of a given telemedicine service. Collected answers can then be compared and contrasted and be used as a starting point for a stakeholder consensus building process. Details on the Blueprint and other supporting documents are available at http://telemedicine-momentum.eu/ The Momentum Blueprint has been recognised by the Innovation Radar and assessed by the JRC’s Market Creation Potential indicator framework as addressing the needs of existing markets and existing customers. Details are available at https://www.innoradar.eu/innovation/1790
There is evidence for economic viability and/or of benefits to the target group of the practice. Further research/development is needed for routine use.
The Momentum Blueprint and related assessment questionnaire has been used in practice by the Steering committee of the TEC programme in Scotland.
United Kingdom (please specify)
The Momentum Blueprint and related assessment questionnaire has been used in practice by the Steering committee of the TEC programme in Scotland.
Geographical scope
English; A two-pager fact sheets exist in French, German, Greek, Polish and Spanish
Not applicable
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information