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National eHealth strategy 2023-2030 (Norway)

Keywords: Digital Health Strategy
Norwegian Directorate of e-Health
Policy and strategy in relation to digital health solutions or services
Short description
The national eHealth strategy is the health and care sector’s joint strategy for digitalisation and intends to contribute to joint overall priorities and increased implementation capacity in the eHealth area in Norway. The strategy shall be in line with political guidelines and serve as a framework for the actors’ own strategies and plans in the digitalisation area. The strategy must provide a long-term goal while at the same time adapting to societal changes. A vision has been defined to provide the overall direction for what we aim to achieve through our digitalisation efforts in the health and social care sector. Five strategic objectives represent the focus areas that the sector will collaborate on towards 2030. Each objective has set of key performance indicators which will help to measure achievement of the objective, and the set of the strategic initiatives that presents the most important strategic activities. The key performance indicators and the strategic initiatives are presented in the document “The plan for implementation of the National eHealth strategy” and will be regularly followed-up and adjusted accordingly in the National Council for eHealth.
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Geographical scope
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information

Use case and care pathway positioning
Disease monitoring, treatment compliance, self-management