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NSB IBR: NSB Integrated Business Readiness Assessment Framework

Keywords: Digital Health Innovation, Digital Health Services
Supporting tool and methodology for upscaling digital health solutions or services (e.g. management tool/impact assessment tool and methodology/etc.)
Short description
NSB Integrated Business Readiness Assessment Framework is focused on the integration of the Business Model Canvas with the Technology Readiness Level (TRL), Service Readiness Level (SRL), Business Readiness Level (BRL), Industrial Readiness Level (IRL) and System Readiness Level (SyRL), which can be a strategic asset for stakeholders aiming to design, develop, and implement effective digital health programs and initiatives. The integrated method proposed by NSBproject was initially developed during an extensive support to SMEs belonging to an Italian Health Cluster, while the Business Canvas model has always been used to analyze the initial business potential of an innovation, it did not fully capture how the overall business assumptions were aligned with the technology readiness (or service readiness, if and when there is a service or software component). Target Audience: Entrepreneurs, business managers, healthcare professionals, and broader stakeholders interested in digital coming from the demand (health and care service delivery), supply (digital health technology) or enabler side (digital innovation hubs or public authorities). NSB IBR offers multifaceted value to its recipients, targeting stakeholders across the healthcare and technology sectors as follows: 1. Comprehensive Framework Understanding 2. Tailored Business Strategies 3. Enhanced Professional Development 4. Networking and Collaboration 5. Immediate and Long-term Impact The NSB IBR is delivered as a coaching and consultancy framework, with the implementation of dedicated sessions and workshops.
Economic value to health and care systems
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Geographical scope
English, Italian
18 sites reached
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available

Additional information

Use case and care pathway positioning
Treatment, Disease monitoring, treatment compliance, self-management, Early detection and early diagnosis, precision diagnosis, Prevention and wellness, Integrated care pathways, Functional support and independent living (e.g., for frailty), Patient or citizen communities, self-help and mentoring, Rehabilitation, Public health surveillance, tracking, COVID-19 monitoring and care guidance, Clinical trial data collection, Reuse of data for research
Ready to be transferred to
The practice has been transferred in other locations, regions or national scale in the same country.
Plans for cross-border implementation
Implemented and deployed cross-border