EIP on AHA Repository

NutriCare.Life – Healthspan as a Service

Keywords: Active and Healthy Ageing, Behavior Change, Digital Health Innovation, Nutrition
Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
Short description
NutriCare.Life – Healthspan as a Service, uses individual-specific genetic, gut microbiome information and evidence-based science, to promote actionable dietary and physical activity changes relevant to the individual that has measurable health and behavioural benefits. The team was created In 2018 when we launched a premium nutrigenetic test “GenetX”, in 2020 we pivoted based on customers’ feedback to develop the B2B2C web app NutriCare.Life to ease the test advice implementation and now we created a B2C mobile app to support users to be their own nutritionist/lifestyle coach. Our target groups: 1. Active nutrition: Silver surfer, Health-conscious food lover 2. Performance nutrition: Expert athlete, Fanatic Fit 3. Medical nutrition: Intensive need, Diet dependent
Impact on health outcomes, Economic value to health and care systems, Economic value to patients, Contribution to citizen empowerment
There is evidence for economic viability and/or of benefits to the target group of the practice. Further research/development is needed for routine use.
Geographical scope
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available
https://futurium.ec.europa.eu/en/active-and-healthy-living-digital-world/library/eip-aha-repository-innovative-practices, EIPonAHA Repository of innovative practices

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
Health data analytics (Artificial Intelligence/algorithm development and calibration/machine learning/risk stratification tools/etc.)
to patients / citizens
Telehealth and telemedicine
Personalised prevention apps
Health promotion and wellness apps and wearables/virtual coaches
Health data analytics (Artificial Intelligence/algorithm development and calibration/machine learning/risk stratification tools/etc.)
Digital tools to support health education (health literacy)/digital health literacy
Primary target patient group (age)
Youth and young adults (15-24), Adults (25-64), Older adults (65+)
Addressed prevention area(s)
Nutrition and diet, Fitness and physical activity, Education, Environment (e.g., housing, workplace)
Use case and care pathway positioning
Prevention and wellness, Patient or citizen communities, self-help and mentoring
Ready to be transferred to
The practice has been transferred in other locations, regions or national scale in the same country.
Plans for cross-border implementation
Are considered and will be developed in the near future