Digital Health Europe

STAT-ON: a personalised monitoring device for Parkinson’s disease

Keywords: Disease Management, Parkinson’s Disease, Telemonitoring
Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
Short description
Developed initially within the REMPARK project (, STAT-ON is a personalised and long-term monitoring device. It permanently registers ON / OFF fluctuations making possible a complete disease management, it is also capable to register falls and activity and postures such as walking and lying. Its main features are: – Detection at patients’ home environment conditions – Reliable – More than 90% on sensitivity and specificity on algorithms, being built with the largest existing inertial database. – Continuous monitoring – Real-time computation (data can be observed whenever the patient or expert desires) – Interoperable – Cost-effective – Autonomous – The device does not interact with the patient – Self-calibration – Since every person moves different, the Holter uses first data to self-calibrate the algorithms – Cloud data transfer. The measurements and data provided by the holter, helps doctors to make informed and improved decisions for the correct therapy managing of the disease. STAT-ON was further developed by Sense4care, a spin-off of REMPARK partner Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Sense4Care successfully applied for the SME instrument and completed both phases, bringing the solution into the market.
Economic value to health and care systems, Contribution to citizen empowerment
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Geographical scope
STAT-ON™ is a class IIa medical device, certified for the European market. The product also has been registered in each EU country member, which allows to be purchased and used in the countries that make up the European Union. STAT-ON™ is also available in other countries trough exclusive distributors.
French, German, English, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available, DHE catalogue

Additional information

to patients / citizens
Remote monitoring apps/health outcomes tracking
Sensors/wearable devices
Primary target patient group (age)
Adults (25-64), Older adults (65+)
Use case and care pathway positioning
Disease monitoring, treatment compliance, self-management, Early detection and early diagnosis, precision diagnosis, Functional support and independent living (e.g., for frailty)
Ready to be transferred to
The practice has been transferred in other locations, regions or national scale in the same country.