Digital Health Europe

TeleHomeCare Project: technological support to improve the quality of care at the patient’s home

Keywords: Home Care, Telecare, Telemonitoring
Digital solution and service (e.g. application/digital health portal/platform/AI based system/etc.)
Short description
TeleHomeCare Project is proposed as a technological support already structured the activities of home care with the main objective to affect favorably on the reduction of re-hospitalization rate and improving the quality of care at the patient’s home, also validating new telemedicine models applied for diagnostic and therapeutic pathways for the management of chronicity. Patients, opportunely selected, are followed by their family doctors with by telemonitoring using the innovative technological instruments H@H Hospital at Home, able to detect the main clinical and instrumental parameters in addition to the therapeutic administration, based on oxygen and bronco-aspiration. The telemedicine project are to implement a new type of monitoring of the patients who suffering of chronic diseases, based on continuous collaboration and patient monitoring, by different professionals and different users. TeleHomeCare includes the following main objectives: •Reduce the number of patients with heart disease, Chronic Diseases and Diabetes in the process of instability; •Reduce hospitalization and re-hospitalization; • Activate protected de-hospitalization; • Optimize the therapy and diagnosis according to international guidelines; •To promote the integrated management of Hospital and Territory; • Evaluate the satisfaction of the doctor, caregiver and patient; 1. Primary end point Check the possible use of technological devices for telemedicine within integrated management models between hospital and territory about chronic diseases with high social impact, in order to improve its management and to facilitate the integration between specialists and doctors. 2. Secondary end point • Reduce the number of admissions; • Reducing hospital stays; • Activate protected resignation.
Contribution to citizen empowerment
The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact in terms of job creation/spin-off creation or other company growth
Other (please specify in free text box below)
Geographical scope
Italian, English
People reached: 1,000-9,999
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available, DHE catalogue

Additional information

Primary target patient group (age)
May be used across all patient ages
Use case and care pathway positioning
Treatment, Disease monitoring, treatment compliance, self-management