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Transversal approach of the pain from a pain unit: a practice to improve the care of patients with pain

Keywords: Electronic Health Record (EHR), Pain Management
Other – please specify (e.g. guidance for change management/care pathway redesign/business alignment/interoperability framework/etc.)
Care model
Short description
The aim of this practice is to solve problems in both the healthcare (drug prescription is unified, the clinical course of patients is monitored) and social care settings (avoids the movement of patients with functional limitation, consultations with caregivers are provided, wider agenda to treat patientsthat do not have a specific appointment). The main goal of the practice is to improve the care of patients with pain, coordinating the conventional personal assistance with various forms of non in-person care, which allows to improve the delays of waiting lists, avoids impediments to the arrival of patients to the Pain Units and duplication of simultaneous treatments. To this end, it has designed a Functional Plan for pain treatment by transversal and continuous health-care agreements between primary care, specialized care and the Pain unit. The specific objectives of the practice include an average delay in first consultation lower than 30 days, more time for face—to-face consultations for infiltrations and reduce to zero the referrals documented in paper. In addition, the Unified Electronic Health Record (EHR) is incorporated, along with the development of non face-to-face care pathways, with very positive results measured through quantitative and qualitative methods. Thus, the time available for personal assistance has been increased, and training and the collaboration between professionals of different levels of care have been improved. EHR is a key facilitator. It allows sharing all patient information between all professionalsand with the patient. It also allows instant electronic consultation and prescription, avoiding duplications and errors of treatment. Its use, along with the development of a non face-to-face care pathways are transferable key aspects. Thanks to our practice the time available for personal assistance has been increased, and education and collaboration with clinicians in health centers and specialized consultations have been improved.
Not applicable
Geographical scope
People reached: >100,000
Submitted in other database or repository of digital health resources that is publicly available
https://digitalhealtheurope.eu/catalogue/, DHE catalogue

Additional information

to clinicians / care practitioners
Regional and national Electronic Health Record systems
to patients / citizens
Telehealth and telemedicine
Use case and care pathway positioning