DHU is pleased to celebrate a mutual collaboration agreement with the Horizon 2020 SEURO (Scaling EUROpean citizen driven transferable and transformative digital health) project!
The overall aim of SEURO is to evaluate key factors necessary to prepare any EU region to successfully implement and scale innovative, people-centric digital integrated health and social care solutions for multiple disease management. To achieve this, research will aim to advance three novel implementation tools to support services and organisation wishing to transfer and scale digital health solutions in practice. This will be achieved using the ProACT platform previously developed under H2020. Within SEURO the ProACT platform will be further evaluated as a solution capable of supporting individuals self-managing at home with chronic health conditions and multimorbidity and used to evaluate the impact of the three SEURO implementation support tools in practice.
DHU and SEURO have agreed to exchange information on their respective achievements, synergise complementary activities around digital health solution up-scaling, promote each other’s events and identify themes of common interest around which a workshop or a webinar could be organised by the two projects in 2024. Within the DHU RADAR, SEURO will include details on the ProACT platform and suite of self-assessment tools to help prepare organisations to increase their visibility and potential uptake.
You can find out more about SEURO following the links below.