Twinning is a tested and proven mechanism for knowledge sharing, which is gaining popularity in the area of implementation research, by enabling the transfer of knowledge and skills related to digital health solutions from one country or region to another, adapting to local conditions and contributing to the scaling up of solutions across Europe. This page is dedicated to the twinning mechanism. It explains key twinning concepts and dives into the steps needed to implement a twinning scheme. In addition, some of the DHU twinnings report on their experiences. Finally, the initiative SIRENE (Social Innovation Responsive Environments NETwork) reflects on the use of twinnings in the context of sharing knowledge related to social innovation.
In this short video presented by Strahil Birov (empirica), you will learn more about what twinnings consist of, why they are seen as an important instrument that addresses some challenges other funding mechanisms face, what initiatives have already made good use of the mechanism (such as ScaleAHA, Scircocco Exchange, WE4AHA and DigitalHealthEurope) , and some of the key characteristics of a good twinning mechanism.
In this short video presented by Strahil Birov (empirica), the key success factors for twinning programmes are discussed in the context of a wider scaling up strategy, based on the European Scaling Up Strategy in Active and Healthy Ageing. Tips are given on how to ensure you get the most out of the twinning programme, by making relevant solutions visible, fostering partnership building, running the twinning programme, and ensuring sustainability of the results.
In this short video presented by Maddalena Illario (RSCN), we go into a deep dive of the process of seeting up a call for twinnings. The information is presented as 16 steps that should be considered, with useful examples and reflections from the experience of RSCN and the DHU consortium for setting up calls for twinnings.
DHU asked four twinnings to reflect on their experience. Check our twinnings page to learn more about each of the twinnings.
Short intro. Video by Carina Dantas.
Information about SIRENE
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