
Health Education for All Twinning

Originator: Biosistemak Institute for Health System Research, Spain, Osakidetza the Basque Health Service, Spain
Adopter: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) Institute of Computer Science, Centre for eHealth Applications and Services Administration of the 7th Healthcare Region of Crete, Greece

The twinning will focus on transferring information and knowledge, about the Basque school of health named “Osasun Eskola” offered to the Basque citizens by Osakidetza Basque Health Service (Basque Country in Spain) to the Adopters 7HRC and FORTH. The adopters will receive information and guidance about the school of health to build a similar portal in the Region of Crete. Osasun Escola includes a series of online services and resources to facilitate citizen access to health information, promote health literacy and patient empowerment to improve citizens’ capacity to make decisions and manage and improve their health condition.

twinning Healthier