Radar Repository

The European DHU Radar, collects digital health resources, henceforth called practices, with a particular focus on digital health solutions. The Radar serves as a one-stop-shop catalogue of digital health solutions and services, but also strategies and policies, supporting tools, and other types of resources on the uptake of digital health practices in Europe.

Looking for inspiration? Explore by practice type….

Policies and strategies in relation to digital health solution or services
Digital solutions and services (e.g., applications, digital health portals, platforms, AI based systems, etc.)
Supporting tools and methodologies for upscaling digital health solutions or services

… or by maturity levels …

Level 1

The idea has been formulated and/or research and experiments are underway to test a “proof of concept’”

Level 2

Proof of concept is available: it works in a test setting and the potential end-users are positive about the concept

Level 3

There is evidence for economic viability and/or of benefits to the target group of the practice. Further research/ development is needed for routine use.

Level 4

The practice/case/tool is “on the market” and integrated in routine use. There is proven market impact, in terms of job creation, spin-off creation or other company growth

Would you like to add your practice?

Then create an account or log in to the account you have already created.

DIGITAL TOGETHER – Germany’s Digitalisation Strategy for Health and Care
Keywords: Digital Health Strategy
DHU Radar
Strategy eHealth Switzerland 2.0 (2018–2024)
Keywords: Digital Health Innovation, Digital Health Strategy
DHU Radar
National Strategy for e-Health Care and Digitisation of the Health System 2030 (Bulgaria)
Keywords: Digital Health, Digital Health Innovation, Digital Health Strategy
DHU Radar
e-Health Action Plan 2022-2024 Belgium
Keywords: Digital Health, Digital Health Infrastructure
DHU Radar
eHealth Strategy Austria (eHealth-Strategie Österreich)
Keywords: Digital Health, Digital Health Innovation, Innovation
DHU Radar
SECANT: a holistic framework for cybersecurity risk assessment addressing both human and technical risk factors in healthcare ecosystem
Keywords: Cybersecurity, Digital Health Data, Provide training content to healthcare provider(s), risk assessment
DHU Radar
SHIFT-HUB Smart Health App: an e-learning gamified app for patients and citizens
Keywords: Digital Health Literacy, Patient Empowerment, Patient Engagement
DHU Radar
QP-Insights: comprehensive web-based cloud platform, that centrally manages, stores and quantitatively analyzes multi-omics data
Keywords: Clinical Data, Data Analysis, Data for Research, FAIR data management, Prediction
DHU Radar
SHIFT-HUB catalog of educational resources
Keywords: Active and Healthy Ageing, Digital Health Literacy, Patient Empowerment
DHU Radar
The Global Atlas of Literacies for Health (GALH)
Keywords: Digital Health, Digital Health Data, Digital Health Literacy, Health Literacy, Healthcare, Public Health
DHU Radar
  • Types

  • Maturity

  • Deployed countries

  • Geographical scope